The Program XL Report Builder is a powerful and flexible tool for creating reports of any level of difficulty in the form of the Microsoft Excel Book. XL Report Builder allows to extract data simultaneously from several databases and to form a report on the basis of this data. Any database servers, which have ODBC - drivers, can be used as the data sources. The result of the program?s work will be a Microsoft Excel book, that?s why when creating a report you may use all power of the Microsoft Excel to give visual appearance to your data. Absolute and conditional formatting, automatic filter, summary tables, charts, calling of the VBA - macros ? and it?s not a full list of opportunities, which Microsoft Excel gives you for displaying of the information in your reports.
XL Report Builder differs from the Band-oriented report generating programs by the fact that it doesn't use such concepts as Footer, Header, and Detail. The whole process of report creation consists of two simple operations. The first is pointing out data sources, necessary for the report creation (choosing data from different databases using SQL-queries), and the second is creating of the book-template in the Microsoft Excel (XLS -template). The template contains the description of the report form, book options, sheet options and options of the separate areas of the report. There are some specially pointed out areas in the template, where (at creating the report) the data will be put. When the report execution process is started, XL Report Builder will load a template, fill in marked beforehand cells by the data from the pointed out sources and will show Excel on the screen. After this you can either print the report or save it on the disk as an .xls-file for the further work or analysis.